German Girl Names

1 Syllable

Names starting with A:

  • Ailse

    Names starting with B:

    • Beil
    • Brandt
    • Bert
    • Brune

    Names starting with C:

    • Cline
    • Clove

    Names starting with D:

    • Dale
    • Dette
    • Dame

    Names starting with E:

    • Elke

      Names starting with F:

      • Fred

        Names starting with G:

        • Gaelle
        • Gerde

        Names starting with H:

        • Hahn
        • Hess
        • Hilde
        • Holle
        • Heide
        • Hild
        • Holde
        • Hulde

        Names starting with I:

        • Ilse

          Names starting with J:

          • Jung

            Names starting with K:

            • Katz
            • Kern

            Names starting with L:

            • Lotte
            • Luete
            • Lynde
            • Lou
            • Lutz

            Names starting with R:

            • Rike
            • Roch
            • Rille
            • Roth

            Names starting with S:

            • Sanne
            • Stein

            Names starting with T:

            • Tjode
            • Trude

            Names starting with U:

            • Ulf
            • Ull

            Names starting with V:

            • Van
            • Vix
            • Voss
            • Vande
            • Von

            Names starting with W:

            • Wande
            • Wilde
            Do You Know
            when to use
            To, Too, 2, and Two?