
How many syllables in friends?

  478312569 syllable

Divide friends into syllables:   friends
Syllable stress:   friends
How to say friends:

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"friends." How Many Syllables, n.d. Web. 26 July 2024.

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1 syllable
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    2 syllables
      3 syllables
        4 syllables
        Let Teachers Teach Contest
        One $250 prize is awarded
        to one teacher, every month,
        to help teachers teach their students.
        Fun Fact
        Only 2 months have 4 syllables:
        January and February
        Why Is
        Why is fire 1 syllable?

        What rhymes with friends

        1 syllable
        • bends
        • blends
        • cleansed
        • ends
        • friend's
        • glens
        • hen's
        • Jens
        • lens
        • men's
        • mens
        • pends
        • rends
        • sens
        • ten's
        • tens
        • wend
        • wrens
        • bens
        • cleanse
        • dens
        • fends
        • gens
        • glent
        • hens
        • lends
        • lens's
        • mends
        • N's
        • pens
        • sends
        • spends
        • tends
        • trends
        • when's
        2 syllables
        • amends
        • attends
        • commends
        • defends
        • descends
        • hennes
        • offends
        • pretends
        • transcends
        • ascends
        • befriends
        • contends
        • depends
        • extends
        • intends
        • portends
        • suspends
        • wrentail
        3 syllables
        4 syllables
        Do You Know
        the difference between
        To, Too, 2, and Two?

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