
How many syllables in tease?

  325618749 syllable

Divide tease into syllables:   tease
Syllable stress:   tease
How to pronounce tease:   tee-s
How to say tease:

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"tease." HowManySyllables.com. How Many Syllables, n.d. Web. 26 July 2024.

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Define tease

  1. The process of provolking
  2. To distracting playfully
  3. To playfully capture someone's attention
  4. To playfully put something just outside of someone's reach
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Synonyms for tease

1 syllable
  • bait
  • gibe
  • joke
  • kid
  • mock
  • rag
  • rib
  • vex
  • chaff
  • goad
  • josh
  • laugh
  • play
  • razz
  • taunt
2 syllables
  • annoy
  • banter
  • harass
  • kidder
  • mocker
  • pester
  • rafter
  • torment
  • badger
  • bother
  • joker
  • laugh at
  • molest
  • provoke
  • teaser
3 syllables
5 syllables
  • not be serious
  • pull somebody's leg
What rhymes with tease

1 syllable
  • B's
  • bes
  • breeze
  • C's
  • cheese
  • D's
  • draftees
  • E's
  • eased
  • feese
  • feeze
  • flees
  • freeze
  • frieze
  • gies
  • he's
  • keas
  • knees
  • leas
  • lessees
  • neese
  • peas
  • pleas
  • pleased
  • reis
  • rupees
  • seas
  • seize
  • she's
  • skis
  • sneeze
  • sprees
  • squeezed
  • teas
  • these
  • threes
  • trustee's
  • V's
  • Z's
  • bees
  • brees
  • breezed
  • cees
  • crees
  • dees
  • drees
  • ease
  • fees
  • feest
  • fleas
  • frees
  • freezed
  • G's
  • glees
  • jeez
  • keys
  • kreis
  • lees
  • mease
  • P's
  • pease
  • please
  • Rees
  • res
  • S
  • sees
  • seized
  • skees
  • sleaze
  • sneezed
  • squeeze
  • T's
  • tees
  • three's
  • trees
  • tweeze
  • wheeze
2 syllables
  • abductees
  • adoptees
  • amputees
  • appease
  • appointees
  • Belize
  • Burmese
  • chemise
  • conferees
  • decrees
  • deis
  • designees
  • devotees
  • diseased
  • displeased
  • enrollees
  • foresees
  • friese
  • he-man
  • inductees
  • jaycees
  • louise
  • neesing
  • Pawnees
  • reprise
  • skeesicks
  • trainees
  • trustees
  • yeas
3 syllables
4 syllables
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