
How many syllables in lap?

  157823964 syllable

Divide lap into syllables:   lap
Syllable stress:   lap
How to pronounce lap:   lap
How to say lap:

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"lap." How Many Syllables, n.d. Web. 26 July 2024.

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Synonyms for lap

1 syllable
  • knee
  • leg
  • reach
  • slap
  • stage
  • tour
  • knees
  • part
  • round
  • splash
  • touch
2 syllables
  • break on
  • lap up
  • section
  • slurp up
  • circuit
  • lick up
  • segment
3 syllables
  • go up to
    4 syllables
    • drink greedily
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      What rhymes with lap

      1 syllable
      • app
      • chap
      • crap
      • frap
      • gape
      • Jap
      • knap
      • map
      • nape
      • pap
      • rappe
      • scrap
      • slap
      • strap
      • trap
      • yap
      • yapp
      • cap
      • clap
      • flap
      • gap
      • hap
      • kapp
      • Lapp
      • nap
      • nappe
      • rap
      • sap
      • shap
      • snap
      • tap
      • wrap
      • Yap
      • zap
      2 syllables
      • entrap
      • recap
      • mayhap
      • unwrap
      3 syllables
        5 syllables
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