
How many syllables in name?

  658172349 syllable

Divide name into syllables:   name
Syllable stress:   name
How to pronounce name:   neym
How to say name:

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"name." How Many Syllables, n.d. Web. 26 July 2024.

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Synonyms for name

1 syllable
  • brand
  • choose
  • fame
  • tag
  • call
  • dub
  • star
  • term
2 syllables
  • announce
  • assign
  • big name
  • christen
  • finger
  • forename
  • honor
  • last name
  • pet name
  • renown
  • suggest
  • title
  • appoint
  • baptize
  • bigwig
  • define
  • first name
  • handle
  • label
  • nickname
  • propose
  • repute
  • surname
3 syllables
  • autograph
  • Christian name
  • entitle
  • maiden name
  • moniker
  • person's name
  • specify
  • character
  • designate
  • given name
  • middle name
  • nominate
  • refer to
  • VIP
4 syllables
6 syllables
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    Fun Fact
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    words have 9 letters!
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    What rhymes with name

    1 syllable
    • aim
    • blame
    • brame
    • claim
    • damme
    • flame
    • game
    • hame
    • lame
    • same
    • tam
    • wame
    • ame
    • boehm
    • came
    • dame
    • fame
    • frame
    • graeme
    • kame
    • maim
    • shame
    • tame
    2 syllables
    • acclaim
    • ashame
    • became
    • declaim
    • disclaim
    • inflame
    • reclaim
    • aflame
    • ballgame
    • Boehme
    • defame
    • exclaim
    • proclaim
    • rename
    3 syllables
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