
How many syllables in close?

  321849657 syllable

Divide close into syllables:   close
Syllable stress:   close
How to say close:

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"close." How Many Syllables, n.d. Web. 26 July 2024.

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Synonyms for close

1 syllable
  • bar
  • bung
  • clinch
  • dense
  • firm
  • fuse
  • keen
  • marked
  • mum
  • packed
  • seal
  • slam
  • strict
  • tight
  • block
  • clamp
  • dear
  • end
  • flop
  • join
  • lock
  • meet
  • near
  • plug
  • shut
  • snug
  • strong
  • zip
2 syllables
  • airless
  • batten
  • Button
  • chummy
  • close down
  • closest
  • complete
  • cozy
  • dissolve
  • exact
  • fasten
  • flanking
  • go bust
  • heavy
  • loving
  • muggy
  • nearest
  • precise
  • quiet
  • secure
  • shutter
  • solid
  • stuffy
  • unite
  • wrap up
  • attached
  • blockade
  • careful
  • close by
  • close up
  • compact
  • conclude
  • direct
  • ending
  • faithful
  • finish
  • gather
  • handy
  • local
  • minute
  • nearby
  • obstruct
  • pronounced
  • seal off
  • shut down
  • silent
  • sticky
  • sultry
  • windup
3 syllables
4 syllables
  • bring to a close
  • concentrated
  • discontinue
  • immediate
  • on your doorstep
5 syllables
  • go out of business
  • put up the shutters
6 syllables
  • within walking distance
7 syllables
  • go into liquidation
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    Fun Fact
    Lollipop is typed using only
    the right hand.
    How many syllables
    are in a Haiku?
    What rhymes with close

    1 syllable
    • beaus
    • boasts
    • Bose
    • brose
    • clothes
    • coasts
    • crose
    • crows
    • dose
    • flows
    • froze
    • glows
    • goes
    • gross
    • grows
    • hose
    • knows
    • lowes
    • most
    • nose
    • ohs
    • owes
    • posts
    • prose
    • rose
    • sews
    • slows
    • sows
    • throes
    • toast
    • tows
    • blows
    • boes
    • bowse
    • chose
    • cloze
    • cose
    • crow's
    • dos
    • doze
    • foes
    • ghosts
    • gloze
    • Gros
    • grosz
    • hoes
    • hosts
    • los
    • lows
    • noes
    • oh's
    • os
    • pose
    • pows
    • roes
    • rows
    • shows
    • snows
    • those
    • throws
    • toes
    • woes
    2 syllables
    • arkose
    • bestows
    • depose
    • dispose
    • enclose
    • expose
    • forgoes
    • hostship
    • morose
    • plainclothes
    • sewster
    • suppose
    • towser
    • arose
    • compose
    • disclose
    • DuBose
    • engross
    • foreclose
    • hoeshin
    • impose
    • oppose
    • repose
    • stavros
    • tarots
    • transpose
    3 syllables
    • adios
    • diagnose
    • interpose
    4 syllables
    5 syllables
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